Hypoglycemia Resources
Resource List
Please note: References in this website to any person, or organization, or activities, products, or services related to such person or organization, or any linkages from this web site to the web site of another party, do not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation or any of its employees or contractors acting on its behalf. The HSF receives no financial remuneration for providing referral information. We provided this list of references as a public service.
The Suppers Programs
Suppers is a learn-by-doing program where you’ll learn to cook, taste and feel your way to vibrant health. Their “recipes” section of their website is phenomenal – allowing you to search for recipes based upon health conditions and dietary preferences. Suppers is a corrective social experience cleverly disguised as cooking and dining events, mostly in private homes. The participants make the food, and a trained volunteer facilitator presides over a meal that is somewhat more choreographed than the average dinner conversation. The concept was developed by Founder, Dor Mullen, who spent several years researching the program design and running pilot meetings to answer the question: How do people manifest healthy change in their lives given the tools of nourishing food and social support? The answer: First practice non-judgment.
Nutrition Coalition
The Nutrition Coalition is a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization, founded in 2015, with the primary goal of ensuring that U.S. nutrition policy is based on rigorous scientific evidence. TNC promotes the importance of adopting a state-of-the-art scientific process for ensuring evidence-based nutrition policy. TNC is actively building a broad and diverse coalition of scientists, health-care practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and concerned citizens to fight nutrition-related chronic diseases in America through rigorous science, education, and effective communication. TNC invites you to join us. Together, we can change the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, improve public health, and reduce related medical costs for generations to come.
(Eradicate Childhood Obesity Foundation)
Added Sugar Repository and other resources
A public charity dedicated to ending childhood obesity. EChO strives to use and develop technology-based strategies, as well as arts and culture, to reduce childhood obesity in the United States. EChO provides health education, research, and access to nutrition care services, particularly to underserved communities and youth. EChO believes that proper nutrition education promotes better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle, which in turn can help the prevention and treatment of obesity.
NASH kNOWledge
NASH kNOWledge is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that was established to increase public awareness of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). Their principal geographic focus is the Pittsburgh area, although they are open to partnering with other organizations across the country with similar goals. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney diseases estimates that 100 million Americans have NAFLD and that 20-25% of those have NASH. These diseases are particularly insidious because there are typically no symptoms associated with its onset. As a result, most people who have NAFLD and NASH don’t know it.
Sharp Again Naturally
The mission of Sharp Again Naturally is to educate the public and medical community about preventing and reversing multiple causes of memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease, and to advocate for new testing and treatment protocols. To accomplish their mission, they use live presentations, social and multimedia outreach, online resources, and a collaborative network of like-minded individuals and organizations to spread the good news. Their Tips to Consider on diet and nutrition align well with what the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation recommends.
International Hypoglycaeemia Study Group
The International Hypoglyglycaemia Study Group (IHSG) grew out of a need to address the challenge of hypoglycaemia in diabetes. Despite significant advances in the medical treatment of diabetes, hypoglycaemia continues to pose a serious problem for many patients and to place limits on glycaemic control. In addition to advancing the scientific understanding of hypoglycaemia, the IHSG seeks to create and disseminate solutions that will improve patients’ lives.
The Institute for Functional Medicine
The Institute for Functional Medicine seeks to improve patients’ health through prevention, early assessment, and comprehensive management of complex, chronic disease. Functional medicine is a science-based field of healthcare that emphasizes “patient care” rather than “disease care.” Functional medicine specialists examine core clinical imbalances that underlie various disease conditions, which could arise out of diet, exercise and trauma. Maintains an online FM Practitioner Search database.
Life Extension Foundation (LEF)
The Life Extension Foundation is a nonprofit organization which seeks to radically extend the healthy human lifespan.
Maintains an online “Directory of Innovative Physicians.” The Life Extension Foundation supports groundbreaking research on therapies to extend the healthy human life span. While commercial companies fund research to develop profitable drugs, the Foundation seeks out projects that have the maximum potential to extend our lives radically, committing its research dollars in areas that would be difficult or impossible to fund with government dollars, institutional grants, or commercial financing sources.
All of Depression
One-stop destination for anything you can think of regarding depression.
This Depression Directory is designed to help its users find depression information, resources, companies, products and services.
Endocrine Society
A global community 18,000 strong energized by the promise of unraveling the mysteries of hormone disorders to care for patients and cure disease. The Endocrine Society is devoted to advancing hormone research, excellence in the clinical practice of endocrinology, broadening understanding of the critical role hormones play in health, and advocating on behalf of the global endocrinology community.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1917, by a visionary group of women dedicated to helping the government conserve food and improve the public’s health and nutrition during World War I. Today, the Academy has over 100,000 credentialed practitioners — registered dietitian nutritionists, dietetic technicians, registered, and other dietetics professionals holding undergraduate and advanced degrees in nutrition and dietetics, and students — and is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy
Dietitians For Professional Integrity
Advocates for responsible and ethical sponsorship within the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
The Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia (HHAA)
Dedicated to helping people understand what hypoglycemia is, how it relates to other conditions (in particular diabetes, food allergies and mental illness), and how it can be treated. Website features information about hypoglycemia, newsletters (published three times a year), recipes to suit a hypoglycemic diet, and public meetings/support groups held by the Association at which experts give lectures on topics related to hypoglycemia or other nutritional disorders.
Hypoglycemia Forum
This forum is dedicated to providing hypoglycemics and their family members with support and information. In addition, people who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or any other chronic illness are welcome here!
Hypoglycemia Support Groups on Facebook
Hypoglycemia Support Foundation Support Facebook Group supported by the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation – a forty-year old organization. Join with others who share struggles – and solutions – with hypoglycemia.
American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
Formed in 1965, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine is an organization of physicians trained to recognize environmentally triggered illnesses. Doctors examine outside factors that can have adverse effects on health, including diet, inhalants, chemicals, radiation, heat, cold, humidity and more. Maintains an online database of “Referrable Physicians.” Referred doctors are AAEM members who’ve completed additional training and passed the Academy’s board examination.
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
The nonprofit ACAM is an alternative healthcare medical society, with nearly 1000 physicians (M.D.s and D.O.s) from 30 nations. Founded in 1973, it is dedicated to educating physicians about complementary and alternative medicine. Provides online “Doctor Search” database.
American Academy of Osteopath
The American Academy of Osteopathy is dedicated to advancing osteopathic medicine, which focuses on “treating the whole person, not just the symptoms.” Members are either osteopathic physicians (Doctors of Osteopathy, or D.O.s) or M.D.s with an interest in osteopathy, including the art and science of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). Maintains an online “Find a Physician” searchable database.
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
Founded in 1985, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians is a national society that promotes treatment strategies that combine traditional medical science with therapeutic nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, classical Chinese medicine, hydrotherapy and naturopathic manipulative therapy. Offers an online “Looking for a Naturopathic Physician database.
American Holistic Health Association (AHHA)
The American Holistic Health Association is a consumer education group dedicated “to promoting holistic principles: honoring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their own health and healthcare.” Offers extensive online “Resource & Referral Lists,” which include information about holistic doctors and how to locate treatment options.
American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA)
The American Holistic Medical Association, founded in 1978, is a membership organization for nearly 1000 licensed healthcare professionals (M.D.s, D.O.s and more) who practice holistic medicine, which is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. Maintains an online “Physician Referral Directory.” Check out “How to Choose a Provider.”
Eat REAL is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit dedicated to fighting diet-related disease by working to transform the food system to better align with consumer health interests.
diaTribe offers a patient-focused online publication, part of The diaTribe Foundation’s mission to improve the lives of people with diabetes. diaTribe seeks to empower our readers with useful, actionable information that gives them hope for a better future, and helps them live happier and healthier lives. Their tag line is “Making Sense of Diabetes.”
Gluten-free and Casein-free (GFCF) Diet
The Gluten-free and Casein-free (GFCF) Diet involves eliminating gluten and casein from your and/or your family’s diet. Gluten and casein are both naturally occurring proteins, gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye and casein is found in dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt. The diet can be used to help relieve symptoms from a variety of health issues. Many parents of Autistic children have found that the GFCF Diet has greatly improved their symptoms.
Low Carb USA
LowCarbUSA® is an organization focused on dietary education and support by hosting scientific conferences, providing online coaching, a comprehensive library of scientific papers supporting the way of eating and a world wide database of ‘Low Carb Friendly’ healthcare providers and nutritionists.
Healthy Food America
Healthy Food America acts on science to drive change in policy and industry practice so that all people can live in places where nutritious food is easy to obtain and exposure to unhealthy products is limited.
Change Lab Solutions
ChangeLab Solutions works across the nation to advance equitable laws and policies that ensure healthy lives for all. ChangeLab prioritizes communities whose residents are at highest risk for poor health – their interdisciplinary team of lawyers, planners, policy analysts work with neighborhoods, cities, and states to create thriving communities.
Experts & Advocates
Dr. Robert Lustig
Professor emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He specializes in the field of neuroendocrinology, with an emphasis on the regulation of energy balance by the central nervous system. His research and clinical practice has focused on childhood obesity and diabetes. Dr. Lustig holds a Bachelor’s in Science from MIT, a Doctorate in Medicine from Cornell University. Medical College, and a Master’s of Studies in Law from U.C. Hastings College of the Law. Dr. Lustig’s website is loaded with valuable education and resources.
Dr. Joan Ifland
Food Addiction Reset
Dr. Joan Ifland is a food addiction professional who is active in both online recovery and research. Dr. Ifland has been an innovator in the field of recovery from food addiction since 1999 with the publication of her first popular book. In 2015, she founded The Food Addiction Reset Facebook Group, to help people recover from food addiction – now including over 5,000 members. She also built the website, Food Addiction Resources, www.foodaddictionresources.com, and Food Addiction Books, www.foodaddictionbooks.com which provide free information on recovery from food addiction. In 2016, she founded the first online training in food addiction to make recovery easier in small, online groups, Food Addiction Reset, www.foodaddictionreset.com.
Julia Ross
Julia Ross is a world leader in the use of Nutritional Therapy for the treatment of mood problems, eating disorders, and addictions. After 10 years as a psychotherapist working with individual adults and adolescents, families and groups in a variety of in psychiatric and outpatient settings, Ross began to direct programs. Some of her early achievements included the founding of the San Francisco Bay Area’s first programs for food addicts and for drug-addicted adolescents and their families.
Dr. Nancy Appleton
The HSF is very fortunate to have Dr. Nancy Appleton as a Medical Advisor. Dr. Appleton has earned her Ph.D. in Nutrition and is a nutritional consultant, researcher, speaker and author of the famous book Lick The Sugar Habit. Visit her website and take a quiz to see if you are addicted to sugar, and then read how sugar can ruin your health. This is so startling that Dr. Appleton suggests you print it and put it up on your refrigerator.
Health Providers & Services
Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balance Health
Center for Balanced Health is dedicated to carrying on Dr. Robert Atkins’ medical legacy by combining traditional and complementary therapies to help achieve balanced health and an improved quality of life. As an internal medical center with expertise in both conventional and complementary medical approaches. After a comprehensive evaluation, they prepare for their patients an individualized treatment program that emphasizes diet, exercise and nutritional supplementation.
Ann Childers, MD
Psychiatrist, Practice Connects Metabolic and Mental Health
Portland, Oregon
Dr. Childers is a child and adult trained psychiatric physician with a special interest in regaining the physical and mental health of children, adolescents and adults through standard psychiatric care integrated with principles of nutrition and sleep. Dr. Childers published a number of textbook chapters, among them ‘Nutritional Aspects of Psychiatry’ for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: The Essentials (Cheng and Myers, 2011). A local and international lecturer, Dr. Childers’ lectures and podcasts can be viewed and heard on the World Wide Web. A member of the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association, the Nutrition and Metabolism Society, Obesity Medicine Association, and Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Childers welcomes those who desire an integrated approach to psychiatric care, sleep and metabolism management.
Mark Cucuzzella, MD, FAAP, professor in WVU’s Department of Family Medicine
West Virginia University, Jefferson Medical Center
As recent national statistics for obesity and diabetes revealed West Virginia’s ranking as number one in both, a team of interdisciplinary healthcare providers at West Virginia University is creating a new Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Health with the bold goal of preventing and reversing these conditions with not more medication, but less. By combining state-of-the-art medical care with the four pillars of food, exercise, sleep and stress reduction, and an emphasis on community connection, the Center aims to prevent, treat and reverse diabetes and metabolic disease such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that occur together, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. “We are prescribing health and restoration, Dr. Cucuzzella states. “I’m proud to be part of our new Center. We’re just now getting started, but it’s taking off, and I think it’s just going to change the current paradigms that these conditions cannot be reversed.”
John DeLuca, MD
Functional medicine integrates traditional Western medical practices with what are sometimes considered “alternative” or “integrative” medicine, creating a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet, and exercise; use of the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques; and prescribed combinations of drugs and/or botanical medicines, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, or stress-management techniques.
Dr. Joan Mathews Larson
Dr. Mathews is the author of the national bestseller Seven Weeks to Sobriety. She holds a doctorate in nutrition and is the founder and executive director of the highly esteemed Health Recovery Center in Minneapolis. It was the loss of her seventeen-year-old son to suicide that fueled her search for more effective solutions to emotional healing. You must visit her website…it is the best out there, giving in-depth information on the correlation between hypoglycemia and alcoholism.
Teresa Hale
Teresa Hale founded the Hale Clinic in 1987. It was opened officially by HRH The Prince of Wales in 1988. Its purpose is to combine and integrate the principles of conventional and complementary medicine on the basis that no one system has the whole answer to every medical problem. Great emphasis is placed on preventive medicine as a way of maintaining good health after treatment. The Hale Clinic has pioneered research into the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, autism, cerebral palsy and repetitive strain injury. If you live in the London area and need to find a healthcare professional knowledgeable about hypoglycemia, call the Hale Clinic.
Jay Foster, B.S., C.C.N
Jay Foster, an HSF Medical Advisor, is a National Biochemist involved in the practice of Applied Clinical Nutrition for the past twenty-five years. He is the Director of Body Chemistry Associates and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist. In addition to his private practice, Jay is host of Health Connection Radio (WKAT 1360 am), South Florida’s number one source for information and nutrition since 1996.
Visit Jay’s website and you will have the opportunity to listen to him and his guests as they share the most current information on health and wellness topics, including hypoglycemia, diabetes, and alcoholism. The great news is that these programs can be downloaded from his website www.1800chemist.com.
Luci Gabel is an exercise physiologist and nutritionist with an MBA and 20 plus years of experience helping hundreds of people including CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, military officers and royalty—to optimize their mental and physical energy through food, movement and brain science, so they can reach their goals.
An extensive online database where you can find nutritionists, acupuncturists, certified personal trainers, dentists, chiropractors, herbalists, homeopaths, massage therapists, medical doctors, naturopaths, osteopaths, registered dietitians, registered nurses, Ph.D.s, and pharmacists. www.findanutritionist.com was founded in 1999 by Designs for Health, which produces a line of nutritional supplements and provides nutrition training.
Connie Bennett, C.H.H.C.
Do you suffer from hypoglycemic symptoms such as mood swings, heart palpitations, and brain fog? If so, former sugar addict and holistic health counselor Connie Bennett might be able to help you. Once besieged by scary hypoglycemic ailments herself, Connie is now a “Sugar Liberator,” who helps thousands of sugar addicts and people with reactive hypoglycemia. Get her acclaimed book, SUGAR SHOCK! (from Berkley Books), which will open your eyes to sugar’s dangers and hypoglycemia and will show you how to break free. Grab a sneak peek at Connie’s book at http://connieb.com. Take her fun but serious SUGAR SHOCK! Quiz at http://connieb.com.
The International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN)
Founded in 1983 as a Florida state organization, the International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) is a professional association of practicing clinical nutritionists in many healthcare professions. Call for a nutritionist referral.
The Diet Doctor
Are you interested in low carb or keto? Diet Doctor offers an extensive low-carb site. Diet Doctor’s guides are written or reviewed by medical doctors, and based on science. To stay unbiased Diet Doctor shows no ads, takes no industry money and sells no products. Instead they are funded via an optional membership.