Your symptoms may not be in your head. A simple diet and lifestyle change may be all you need!“…If you think you may be going crazy; if you have thoughts of suicide; if you’re constantly exhausted, anxious and depressed; if you go weeks without a decent night’s sleep; if your personality changes like the flip of a coin; if a counter full of munchies doesn’t satisfy your sweet tooth; and if your doctor thinks you might be a hypochondriac because medical tests don’t show anything physically wrong with you – don’t despair, there’s hope!”
– Roberta Ruggiero, The Do’s and Don’ts of Hypoglycemia: An Everyday Guide to Low Blood Sugar
You or someone you know are among a millions who have struggled with hypoglycemia and now you have found the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation website. Over the years, we have connected with tens of thousands of people like you – searching for answers – from Australia, Africa, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, and countries all over the world. The cry for answers is often the same: “Help, I’m in desperate need of information!”
This is the reason Roberta Ruggiero, a patient advocate, founded the HSF in 1980… to spread the word that hypoglycemia is real… it is not a fad disease or our imagination working overtime. The Hypoglycemia Support Foundation has been working to bring hypoglycemia to the forefront of medicine, where it belongs.
We exist to help you take control of this confusing, complicated, misunderstood and too often misdiagnosed condition. It is imperative that the first step you take is to learn about the many causes of hypoglycemia, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Education is the key to controlling hypoglycemia.
“Hypoglycemia occurs most often in diabetes, when the doses of insulin or medications which stimulate insulin release are too high relative to food or activity. However, hypoglycemia can occur also when the body is making too much insulin on its own. This can occur due to an insulin-producing tumor (insulinoma), or when the pancreas makes too much insulin after meals due to abnormal function of the insulin-producing cells, some cases of prediabetes, or due to abnormally high levels of hormones which direct the pancreas to make too much insulin. This can occur after a variety of types of gastrointestinal surgery. These conditions are not as common as diabetes, so are less recognized by the general public. However, for those patients affected by hypoglycemia, it is just as dangerous whether associated with diabetes or whether it occurs outside of diabetes.”
–Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Patti, nationally recognized expert on hypoglycemia and Advisor to the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation
Dr. Seale Harris, the pioneer researcher of hyperinsulinism and hypoglycemia, viewed blood sugar irregularity as a harbinger of more complex metabolic disease as early as 1924: “The low blood sugar of today is the diabetes of tomorrow.” Today, low blood sugar is an issue that affects the majority of the population in some form or another, and is a key indicator that metabolic dysfunction is at play. Patients, adequately informed by their doctors, can take action to address diet and lifestyle factors that are driving the condition before more advanced diet-related disorders progress. Unfortunately, many doctors are poorly prepared to diagnose and treat the condition within the context of metabolic (systemic) dysfunction.
During the past four decades, we have worked with leading doctors, researchers and scientists in diverse fields of medicine and nutrition science – to translate the science into information you can understand and act upon.
Treat yourself. Take the time to go through the this website. Read the wealth of information that is available to you, and give yourself the love you deserve to take the steps necessary to achieve an optimal state of health.
We wish you the best of luck and please keep us keep us informed of your progress. We share stories and testimonials of so many in our community – your struggles and successes can inspire others to keep moving forward toward their own state of optimalness.
Here’s to your health!
“Blood Sugar Dysregulation – the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster” presentation shared by Wolfram Alderson at the May 16, 2019 meeting of the Silicon Valley Health Institute in Palo Alto, CA.
Wolfram Alderson, CEO of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, has nearly four decades experience serving in leadership roles involving design, development, and administration of innovative programs created to improve human and environmental health. He employs a diverse range of strategies and tactics. Combining these with his exceptional management skills, Alderson leads the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation (HSF) in fulfilling its mission of bringing critical information about hypoglycemia, and metabolic disease in general, to adults and children, and the public and health care industry at large. Alderson brings considerable assets and connections to the HSF. A broad focus of Alderson’s lifetime of work has been improving human and environmental health – often by developing programs and organizations that accomplish both. His career began as a teenager when he founded the first Certified Farmers’ Market in California (the Gardena Farmers’ Market started in 1979 and is still going today). One of Alderson’s endeavors is a startup called “Perfact” – offering a powerful new technology platform dedicated to making the food system more transparent and also a partner with HSF. e project is leading the development of a sugar matrix that has revealed over 300 names for added sugar, making this data available to public health advocacy groups like HSF.